I Do! (Grocery)

CRUNCHY NUGGETS:  I read a “who knew?” article in today’s Wall Street Journal.  It was about the increase in brides and grooms to be choosing grocery chain cakes for their wedding cakes!  And that’s the actual cake, as well as the Groom cake which some couples also serve.  Why have couples gone grocery?  For a few reasons…walk down the aisle with me..the grocery aisle that is…

Less retail bakeries — Back in the 70’s in the US, there were 30,000 (estimated) bakeriesIt’s now down to 7,000.

Cost savings — With the popularity of fancy cake TV programs, there has been an increase in fancy cake makers charging fancy cake prices.  Grocery chain cakes not only cost less, but they also offer quick service (order two weeks from the date), and low cost delivery and set-up fees.

Specialists on hand — Chains such as Publix, Safeway and Albertson’s have even brought specialists on board to handle more elaborate cakes and requests specifically for wedding needs.

Here is the article if you wish to take a bigger slice of the three tiered baked nuggets:  http://professional.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303836404577476592711486970.html?mod=WSJ_LifeStyle_Lifestyle_5&mg=reno-wsj

What do you think?  Is a cake “worth” paying extra for or would a grocery one be just fine, in your opinion?  TASTY TREND;  New Frugal

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