Crunchy and Cheesy

cheetosTPCRUNCHY NUGGET: I love a fun online, user-experience.  And I just found one reading an article first on ClickZ, and then trying it for myself: it’s from Cheetos and their Project T.P. Put down that bag of salty, snacky cheesy-ness, lick your fingers and give this read:

Glow, baby, glow: How do you make Cheetos relevant to Halloween?  First, change your packaging to feature glow in the dark graphics, and offer them in treat-sized packages.  Doing just this is fun, right?  Oh but there’s more…

Virtual TP opp: Cheetos has a Project TP – as in toilet paper, the verb – site where you can enter in any street address, and if it registers on google (maps, street view), lets you TP the area, thanks to Cheetos mascot Chester (the image in this post is by my community swimming pool).  Of course, you can share the image with friends. Again, fun, easy, really great user experience. But hold on, there’s even more…

Your mission, get social and you can win: Cheetos is also extending the play by giving consumers online missions via social posts. So not just TP’ing your neighborhood, but a fountain or a castle.  Different missions share a variety of places to TP.  Consumers who share their images via Facebook or Twitter fulfilling these missions get entered to win a Cheetos prize pack in a sweeps.  Nice!

Coming ’round full circle, what made me share this example was the fun user experience – it was easy, it was engaging, and it made me smile.  Note that it did NOT ask for my information, it did NOT offer me a coupon.  Missed opportunities?  Perhaps.  But mission accomplished for fun with a little, old school Halloween mischief.  By the way, here is the ClickZ article:

Hello, Pumpkin

ImageCRUNCHY NUGGETS:  Oh hello there!  My oh my, it’s been just about a year since this post:  And here I am, once again, ready to talk about PUMPKIN, as inspired by an article from Nielsen entitled: “Pumpkin Power!”  Last year, New York magazine declared pumpkin flavor “the new bacon.”  Flash forward to this year–and consumer love for all things pumpkin continues.  Open up a pumpkin-flavored Greek yogurt (to be REALLY on-trend, foodwise) and give this a read:

Tis the season, get it NOW: According to Nielsen reported data, last year, 70% of pumpkin-oriented grocery sales in the U.S. occurred between September and November.  

What’s hot, what’s growing: Pie filling is still the leading pumpkin item making up (filling?!) 42.7% of all things pumpkin.  Breakfast foods was the overall growth leader, representing 7 out of 10 of the top growing pumpkin-related categories when ranked on dollar growth.  And for you sweet-toothed pumpkin fans, Frozen Sweets/Desserts grew 763.1% in dollar growth versus the year prior!

More, more, more: And for those die-hard fans of all-things pumpkin, be on the lookout this season for pumpkin flavored: M&Ms, bagels, Pringles, Food Should Taste Good chips, Dunkin’ Donuts, marshmallows, beer and vodka.

Here’s the “Pumpkin Power” Nielsen article if you’d like to take a peek at other pumpkin flavored categories:

How ’bout you?  A lil’ pumpkin martini with your chips?!

Raising the Bar

ImageCRUNCHY NUGGETS:  One of my favorite websites (and apps, for that matter) is  For those who are unfamiliar with TED, essentially, they post talks, host conferences — all with the purpose of spreading good ideas.  I personally love a good TED talk — typically a 20 minutes or less video given by a subject expert on a particular focus.  And the topics range from technology to what makes a good leader to the benefits of doodling to the plight of the bees…it’s endless.  Anyway…TED recently challenged, voted, judged, gathered together, and shared 10 Ads Worth Spreading.  What makes the winners of the challenge worth spreading are three pillars that make anything online shareworthy.  That said, these are ads that:

  1. Elevate the everyday and make it fascinating.
  2. Feature visuals that “access our child’s mind” — in other words, ads that pull together seemingly disconnected images and story lines yet brilliantly manage to get these visuals and stories to work together well, and make sense.
  3. Deliver an energy exchange.  I interpret this as point as what I’ve read  makes something buzzworthy or shareworthy.  Essentially, content that stirs up emotion and gives the person who passes it along a sense of fulfillment in sharing. 

So enough of my chitchat.  When you have a few minutes, do check these ads out.  They raise the bar in brand story telling.  Love that TED.



Selfie & Selfless

ImageCRUNCHY NUGGETS:  Well hey there, stranger!  My oh my it’s been a busy a few months as I started a new job with a whole new set of clients and type of business.  But enough about me…let’s get right to what this blog is all about: CRUNCHY MARKETING NUGGETS!  Here’s one (really two) that I’ve been holding onto and want to share.  Take a read…

SELFIES – You know what a selfie is right?  Of course you do…it’s a photo you snap of yourself (sometimes with others, as per my own example with me, my Sister and my Nephew) using your cell phone.  And then you share it.  A few smart marketers have taken notice and not only include selfies in their promotions — but also use the word “selfie” to truly connect to the real-life consumer behavior.  Brilliant!  Here’s an article from JWT (a must opt-in for seekers of insights and crunchy good trends) that shares these examples.  Now before I whisk you away with a link, please do come back as I have more:

SELFLESS — Hi! Thanks for coming back. You may have noted a J&J program — an app that encourages consumers to take photos and share, with $1 donated to a cause for every photo snapped.  Now…a photo as donation trigger is pretty darn cool itself.  And I love that they share the causes impacted, e.g., “1,500 children helped; 40,008 mothers helped,” etc.  But it’s part of a larger, corporate initiative from J&J to truly solidify the emotional connection the J&J brand has with consumers: “For All You Love.”  You may have seen black and white TV spots, the banner ads, etc.  Kudos to J&J for leveraging their full corporate positioning and their equity.  So important for a company that deliver healthcare and wellness promises. 

Now, I’m going to whisk you away again so you can see their campaign.  And I’ll thank you for stopping by – feels good to be back! Now off with you…

Getting Emotional

unconsiousbrandingCRUNCHY NUGGETS:  I just read a series of articles in Fast Company magazine that I wanted to share.  They touch upon a book: “Unconscious Branding: How Neuroscience Can Empower (and Inspire) Marketing” written by “neuromarketing pioneer” (fancy, right?!) and EVP Deutsch LA, Douglas Van Praet.  From the snacky bits shared in Fast Company, he has done studies that basically point to human emotion as the reason why consumers buy.  OK so that doesn’t seems terribly earth shattering.  But it supports how consumers say what they say in research, but then do what they do at shelf, at point of purchase, online at checkout, etc.  Which aren’t necessarily one and the same.  He talks about how the most impactful marketing follows seven- steps to inspire.  Fast Company, thus far, has covered 4 out of the 7.  I am going to snap shot the four (and I mean very nuggety snap shot like), and then follow-up with the rest in a later post.  Sound good?  Great, I’m glad you agree!  Here goes:

Step #1 is to Interrupt the Pattern — Simply put, give consumers an unexpected, fresh new way to look at what you’re trying to share with them.

Step #2 is to Create Comfort — Basically, establish a level of trust.

Step #3 is to Lead the Imagination — Allow the consumer to aspire to something, to dream, to believe in possibilities.

And then Step #4 is Shift the Feeling — Get the consumer to feel an emotion with your message.

Like I said, there are three left, which I’ll share.  In the meantime, here is a place to start in reading more:

The challenge, honestly, is how to best do this in :15 seconds — 5 frames — on packaging — in a single print ad.  Often, in the face of no available insights about the target, no research but just lots of gut feelings.  Yikes!  But again, I think if you circle to the original intention of his steps, and recognize that research doesn’t necessarily reveal all, and that developing messaging that touches upon emotions to trigger action, I think then you have a good takeaway.  More to come!  #consumerinsights #marketresearchinsights #advertising #marketing

Contagious Emotions

FRESH FACTS:  Facebook has shared the results of a recent analysis, looking at approximately 1 million English speaking FB users, and their roughly 150 million friends in multiple countries who are using the network.  Facebook wanted to see how the words people use in their status updates drive the emotions of their online friends.  Interestingly, it seems that emotions are contagious.  What they found, specifically, was that when Facebook users wrote emotionally loaded words such as “happy,” “hug,” “sick,” and “vile” in their status updates, these posts sparked similar emotions in later Facebook updates and posts by their friends.  And it seems that the bad vibes lingered as this phenom lasted up to three days later, for people who used more negative words.  But the analysis also found that people who were using more positive words, not only inspired their friends to also use more positive words, but their friends also used fewer negative words.  Why does Facebook care?  Because of consumer behavior and inspiration through insights, silly.  Like a good marketer, these insights enable Facebook to create advertising platforms and tools that make relevant connections to users.  Keep all of this mind the next time you post to your FB wall or update your status, Happy Pappy or Debbie Downer!  Here’s the full article if you wish to read:

So hey there, happy person!  I wish you laughter, joy, and positive vibes this weekend!  Be sure to spread the love!  TASTY TREND:  Socially Acceptable

Wise Words

CRUNCHY NUGGETS:  Greetings from my beach vacation.  You know, vacation at the beach is a lot like pizza — even when it’s just OK, it’s still pretty darn good.  Inspired words, no?!  Speaking of inspired words — and pizza, for that matter — I wanted to share a cool program.  It’s Domino’s latest, crowd sourced contest called Pizza Proverbs.

A proverb is a “short statement expressing an observation or principle that’s generally accepted as wise and true.”  Domino’s is cleverly leveraging proverbs in its current contest.  In 100 words or less, they’re asking consumers to write truisms about pizza and its ingredients.  Here’s what makes this program — like pizza — so good…

  • Simple – Nothing to upload, nothing to capture or choreograph.  Just write and enter.  And be clever, of course.
  • Share Options – Every entry is given an option for readers to Tweet it or Like it on Facebook.  Nice, organic word of mouth to support the program.
  • And did I say simple?! The eight winning phrases (as chosen by a panel of judges) will be printed on pizza boxes.  That’s it.  No fancy final voting rounds, no crazy prize packages.  The total number of “Likes” counts only in the event of a tie.  And the winners get straightforward “thanks so much for being clever” acknowledgment/fame on Domino’s “packaging.”  Nice!  The program ends in October this year.

A good blog post often ends in extra cheese.  Crunchy marketing nuggets are best when delivered fresh.  Hey, I could get into this proverb thing!!!  Enjoy!  TASTY TREND:  Traditional Experiential

Crunchy O’Nuggets

CRUNCHY NUGGETS:  This time of year, “going green” is usually a wee bit more Irish than eco.  So in honor of the upcoming holiday, I wanted to share stats around consumer behavior and St. Pat’s Day.  Here’s what to expect…

  • 8 in 10 people will wear green (two duds in the group wearing black!).
  • Although I’m sure after a few pints and good cheer more will claim it on St. Pat’s Day…36+ million Americans claim to have Irish ancestry.
  • No matter what the lineage, 44% of Americas say “yes!” they’ll celebrate St. Pat’s Day.
  • How they’ll celebrate…One third of Americans will stay home and cook a traditional meal (pass the corned beef and cabbage).  While just about one third will go out to party or a bar (I guess you must call it a “pub” on St. Pat’s).
  • And the average spend on St. Pat’s decorations, apparel, and party goods per individual is expected to be $33.05, up from $32.80 last year (an optimistic up-take).

The crunchiness, by the way, comes from two surveys, one conducted by American Greetings, the other by BIGresearch.  And look at you, kissed with Irish luck, you can find it all here at this URL:

Having made and purchased “traditional” Irish food this past weekend, I’ve decided that Irish soda bread is really one big scone.  And thank goodness it comes but once a year…it’s highly addictive!  So beware!  TASTY TREND:  Holidays 2010;  Don’t Worry, Be Happy Optimistic Marketing

S’no Posts ‘Til 2010

Hi – Crunchy Marketing Nuggets is taking a lil’ holiday break.  “S’noway?!?!”  you’re saying?  I like you, you’re an excellent participant and so quick with the appropriate puns!  If you need your crunchy fix, don’t forget to check out the “Crunchiest Marketing Nuggets of 2009 Year End Review.”  You can find it at this URL:

See you with more crunchy, nuggety goodness is 2010!  Stay warm…or not and feel frosty…whatever makes you happy!  Enjoy!